Play Store comments handling

1) Some simple facts:
• Developers are limited to 350 characters in their answer.
• Developers have no information about the issue or feature request.
• Developers have no way to contact the user back.
• For Yatse: There's a lot of messages to remind those facts inside and outside the application and there's many, many ways to contact support via Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, website, different emails, forums, … directly accessible from inside Yatse and faster than writing a bad rating.
Some useful links to have fast, efficient and professional support:
• How to get debug information and open a proper issue
• Yatse community forum and support
2) Some statistics from 6 years of getting Play Store comments:
• 70 to 90% of users do not get the answer. Because they do not use the GMail account attached to Play Store, developers answers are not always visible on the Play Store installed on their phone or tablet and Google still have not added necessary notifications for them.
3) How to handle those bad ratings and user reactions:
• Do nothing: Obviously does not help anyone :)
• Answer with a nice standard answer: Only 5% of the people who receive this message will react and contact support as they think it's automated and since they did not saw all the messages about why Play Store is not for support they continue to ignore.
• Try to solve issue in 350 chars: 95% of the time this is impossible as users do not give any information about their issue and we require more details.
• Answer with an aggressive, passive answer: 40% of the people will react, about 1/5 will insult more, but 50% will in the end have proper support and their problem solved. This comes at the cost of 0,001% of users that loves to read all bad rating answers without reading all the good ones to come and judge your acts without understanding the situation and the reality.
So in the end there's no real choice about what to do with Play Store comments if you really care about users and support. Only one way allows to solve 20% more issues on the only place where it's initially impossible to do support.
And so as a final reminder, users should never bad rate an application for support or feature requests before first contacting developer or support because it's 100% useless and not respectful.
4) Some stats for those who do only believe numbers:
53% of users who updated their message did understand, contacted support, had their problem solved and updated the rating. At the expanse of 7% that well do not understand :)
Same stats for last 30 days (Feb 2017)