How to get debug information and open a proper issue

For easier debugging and helping, when you contact us for a problem we always needs logs.
Most of the times the problems are specific to your installation since we use long validation process through Beta cycles with more than 8000 users.
This procedure is really fast and can be resumed to:
• Click a button
• Reproduce the issue
• Click a button and press yes to send logs to support
Please keep in mind that the issue can often be on Kodi side so providing Kodi logs are recommended.
Yatse have a powerful log system that can be enabled to gather all needed information when something goes wrong.
You just need to activate Debug mode in Settings/Advanced Settings.
You must now reproduce the problem while the option is active to produce useful logs.
Once you have reproduced the issue, uncheck the Debug Mode option, or press the red button in left menu, then Yatse will propose to zip and email the logs.
Do not forget stop debug mode after incident resolution to avoid filling your storage and slowdown of Yatse.
If you want to manually get the file, you can use Yatse internal file manager in Settings/Manage settings/Manage logs, exported files, ...
• Press the corresponding log file or zip file to send it by mail or other means.
• Once you are done with a log file you can delete it.
If your bug is tied to something that happens on Kodi then it's logs can help a lot if you provide them too. Just select your Kodi version below to see the steps.
If your bug is related to sharing from Yatse when using Yatse Kodi Addon, please see Yatse Add-on for Kodi to enable the Addon debug logs.
Go to Settings then System settings
Activate Enable component-specific logging then click on Specify component-specific logging
Then check Verbose logging for JSON-RPC requests and Verbose logging for Webserver requests
Activate Enable debug logging
Log location:
• Android Note: The first folder might be different on various devices : /data/org.xbmc.kodi /cache/temp/kodi.log or /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi /files/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
• iOS/ATV2: /private/var/mobile/Library /Preferences/kodi.log
• Linux: $HOME/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
• Mac OS X: /Users/Library/Logs/kodi.log
• Windows: %APPDATA%\Kodi\kodi.log
If you use portable mode then the log file is located in your Kodi installation directory in the sub directory: portable_data
Go to System/Settings/System then Debugging
Activate Enable component-specific logging then click on Specify component-specific logging
Then check Verbose logging for JSON-RPC requests and Verbose logging for Webserver requests
Activate Enable debug logging
Log location:
• Android Note: The first folder might be different on various devices : /data/org.xbmc.kodi /cache/temp/kodi.log or /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi /files/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
• iOS/ATV2: /private/var/mobile/Library /Preferences/kodi.log
• Linux: $HOME/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
• Mac OS X: /Users//Library/Logs/kodi.log
• Windows: %APPDATA%\Kodi\kodi.log
If you use portable mode then the log file is located in your Kodi installation directory in the sub directory: portable_data
Opening an issue on the community forum is preferred as easier to manage, follow and get help from other users, but if you are really reluctant to create a new account, you can just send us the logs by mail with details.
Just head to Yatse community and login with your social network account or create a new account.
Once logged just open a new topic in the Support category (Do not forget to join logs and details about your issue).