Yatse notification plugin


The plugin can use 2 modes to access the notifications on Android.
On Android 4.3 and later Notification listener is the preferred way.
If your device is Android 4.2 and less then you do not have the choice and need to use Accessibility service.

Listener service

On Android 4.3 and 4.4 you need to go to Settings then Security then Notification access and check Yatse notification Plugin.
On Android 5.0 you need to go to Settings then Sounds & notification then Notification access and check Yatse notification Plugin.

Accessibility service

Go to Android settings.

Choose Accessibility.

Click Yatse Notification Plugin.

Toggle the setting to On then validate the dialog.
Since this plugin does not have any permission, there's no real security risks.

Choose the apps that will be forwarded then click save.